"I've worked with Sophie on a musical level for years. It isn't very often that you work with someone who continues to impress you over and over again, and I suppose that's why so many people tend to continue to work with her. I very much look forward to what is next in her musical journey."
- Logan Crockett, VP of Marketing for Full Circle Music (Franklin, TN)
"Sophie is the real deal. When she came to my studio, she blew me away with her stunning vocals and incredible guitar work. Not to mention, the depth and beauty of her songwriting! True talent is impossible to miss, and that's Sophie. I'm so glad I got to work with her!"
- Katie Heath, founder of Katie Heath Studios
Sophie Lockhart is a singer/songwriter from Kettering, Ohio. She has been writing songs professionally for over 5 years and has collaborated with artists like Jonathan Turner, Bryan Boliver, Sam & Christin Hart, and CHURCHOUSE. 

As an artist, Lockhart writes about the simple things in life, like her first visit to New York City, a perfect day with a perfect blue sky, meeting a guy in a coffee shop, and the love she has for the people around her. Her honesty, storytelling, and unique voice leaves the audience wanting more. 

Currently residing in Marysville, OH with her "cat sons,” Stereo and Sam, Lockhart's greatest joy in life is to spread hope through music.